Welcome to Neuro Expression

'Nothing for us without us'

Who Are We?

Guided by lived experience in everything we do, and with constant testing and input from people who are neurodiverse and/or disabled, we help organisations to make reasonable adjustments, design and implement accessible spaces and materials, and we create inclusive and welcoming environments and opportunities for people of all abilities to engage with and enjoy the arts.

Want To Learn More ?

Hi, my name is Nathan, and I’m diagnosed with Dyspraxia, suspected Autism and OCD.

As someone who has a postgraduate in Social Work, a Master’s Degree in Moving Image, and a long history of working in addiction, I understand the barriers of being neurodiverse in the university and work context.

Therefore, this social enterprise Neuroexpression is built on the premise of empowering neurodiverse people, neurodiverse artists, and creating a neurodiverse friendly world.

Click the video to understand how this social enterprise provides a social benefit

